I have done enough of these now that I have figÂured out a process for them. I have them niceÂly orgaÂnized in my trelÂlo board with the catÂeÂgories of image choÂsen, linework, colour, varÂnish, and frame.
I’m still workÂing out the logisÂtics of if it’s in the catÂeÂgoÂry it means it’s comÂpletÂed or waitÂing for, but that’s a probÂlem for anothÂer day.
First I choose my image and then I decide how I’m going to crop it. Next I draw all my lines. First I draw them in penÂcil and then I go over them in either black, sepia, grey, or white ink. This is the part that’s new to me; a perÂmaÂnent outÂline underÂneath. I will experÂiÂment with more line colours, as well as mulÂtiÂple colours withÂin the same image, but for now I have figÂured someÂthing out, so I’m stickÂing with it. My penÂcil is a water solÂuÂble penÂcil, so I could go in and erase, but I can also just let the water disÂperse it.
The next step is a bit tricky. I’m choosÂing the colours and workÂing with an unfaÂmilÂiar mediÂum. SomeÂtimes I leave the colours simÂiÂlar and othÂer times I don’t. The thing I’m tryÂing to do right now is not use too many of the same colours between the bugs and figÂure out harÂmoÂnious colour withÂin sinÂguÂlar bugs. I don’t have much expeÂriÂence in alterÂing the colours of my phoÂto refÂerÂences, but I’m tryÂing my best.
SomeÂtimes all an artist needs is anothÂer opinÂion to help them along. I’m changÂing the bug on the left to more of a mustard/yellow ochre instead of the beige. Thanks Emma.
How do you decide when a piece is finished?
EvenÂtuÂalÂly I will have a whole wall of these bugs and it will be wonÂderÂful. These are what I have framed so far.