My expe­ri­ence with blogs has been the annoy­ing part at the top of the recipe I have to scroll past and  Jen­ny Law­son’s blog that I scrolled through once when I fin­ished her book.

Side note: All recipes should have their recipes first thing and if you want addi­tion­al info it should be after. Addi­tion­al info includ­ing detailed step-by-step pho­tos to how you’ve con­vert­ed your hus­band into lik­ing broc­coli from this recipe. Irre­gard­less, I do not have any mis­guid­ed beliefs that I will have any influ­ence in a world I have just bare­ly dipped my toe into.

Back to Jen­ny Law­son for a moment, her book Furi­ous­ly Hap­py is wonderful.

Image from Goodreads

I was actu­al­ly laugh­ing out loud while read­ing it. I just hap­pened to stum­ble upon it in the library one day in a sec­tion I don’t usu­al­ly browse. I did not love her first one as much, but I think she learned a lot in it to write her sec­ond. This is her blog here if you feel so inclined.

So all in all, I’ve nev­er real­ly been one for jour­nal­ing or post­ing on fb or under­stand­ing the blog­ging world in any way. Alas, it is time to turn over a new leaf. There is a whole undis­cov­ered world out there that I am attempt­ing to nav­i­gate. Here is to new begin­nings and to the learn­ing of things.