I need­ed a bit of screen time reprieve. I need­ed to go and breathe some dif­fer­ent air in a new space. Regard­less of this space being a bit warmer then I appre­ci­at­ed, I love it. I need­ed an inspi­ra­tional refresh. I found it. Here.


I’m going to be hon­est. I’ve been here before and I had it in the back of my mind to trav­el to as part of my project. If any­one has not had the plea­sure of going I high­ly rec­om­mend. I was just lucky in this chaos and over­whelm­ing­ness of this semes­ter I had a com­plete­ly edu­ca­tion­al way to relate this to my studies.

I took a step back and thought a bit big­ger. What more can I include in this? How can I make it bet­ter? What rules can I change?

I want­ed to draw more and a big­ger vari­ety. I decid­ed to include ants because I was inspired by the leaf cut­ter ants amaz­ing jour­ney along their twisty turny vine. I found leaf bugs to draw and dif­fer­ent bee­tles. I actu­al­ly saw a but­ter­fly fly­ing by me that I was already draw­ing. It was very cool.

This was the one I’m already draw­ing, but I’m adding colour of course.

I also, even though I don’t usu­al­ly draw from my own images, took some pho­tos to work with.

Side note, I ful­ly intend to take an art class here in the future.