As I work through, my process has been altered a bit.
I startÂed with an 8x8 size and now I’m explorÂing 5x7 and 4x6. YesÂterÂday also decidÂed to try some 6x8. I have purÂchased frames in all these sizes.
I’m at a standÂstill on the 8x8 size for a moment. One because I’ve cut two out of the three to 5x7. I find square comÂpoÂsiÂtions more difÂfiÂcult. Two because the 8x8 pad I have is actuÂalÂly a block, so I have to finÂish the top image to move onto the next. The othÂer paper I have been using I have cut down to the approÂpriÂate size from a largÂer sheet. It is curÂrentÂly a ladyÂbug, but it is sitÂting on a clover. I have also planned on a matÂte for it because my frames came with them. I felt like I should try a matÂte out even though I don’t usuÂalÂly use them. It doesÂn’t fit my curÂrent rules for my series. Should I just finÂish it to get it off the block? Do I have the time?
I have also altered a rule today about the direcÂtionÂal comÂpoÂsiÂtion. I thought I wantÂed to keep them verÂtiÂcal or horÂiÂzonÂtal, but my conÂcept was to make them liveÂly as opposed to a bug on the pin. I thought them walking/crawling off the edge of the page might be enough and now I’m unsure. I played with the oriÂenÂtaÂtion of a butÂterÂfly and I’m realÂly enjoyÂing the moveÂment in it.
One of the beeÂtles I’ve startÂed is also on black paper. And although I had anticÂiÂpatÂed playÂing with hot press and cold press, I’m still uncerÂtain about the black. I purÂchased the black for anothÂer series I had in mind where I was using the black paper as the black in the image and this was my smallÂer cut off when I cut up the large sheet. I’m worÂried about the vibranÂcy of the paint. I may have to do an underÂpaintÂing in bleedÂproof white and see what happens.
I am also tryÂing to decide if I should stick to my outÂline and then paint rule. I made it because it is not how I usuÂalÂly work. I’m playÂing with should I stay in the lines. The lines were supÂposed to simÂpliÂfy waterÂcolour a bit for me. It gives me an area to play with that already has an image. So far I am still makÂing it work, othÂer than my black paper, which can’t take an erasÂer for penÂcil marks and most ink doesÂn’t show up on the black. I do have some white gel pens that will be my next step.
Art is experÂiÂmenÂtaÂtion. I have to figÂure out what works and what doesÂn’t. If I don’t endÂing up includÂing someÂthing in my final disÂplay I don’t.