I’m going to be honÂest here. I’ve nevÂer conÂsidÂered what needs to be put into a webÂsite to make it accesÂsiÂble. OthÂer aspects of my life defÂiÂniteÂly. I use closed capÂtionÂing on the tv myself. I have some deaf famÂiÂly memÂbers that I have helped navÂiÂgate closed capÂtionÂing. I have immoÂbile grandÂparÂents where I have had to conÂsidÂer how their housÂes work for them. I have a litÂtle old arthritÂic dog that we bring a stroller on his walks just in case he starts limpÂing too badÂly. I underÂstand peoÂple have difÂferÂent menÂtal needs to keep funcÂtionÂing and I do my best to respect and help in that.
RecentÂly I was at work. We were closÂing in about 10 minÂutes and this oldÂer genÂtleÂman comes in. As I had helped a few othÂers that day, I go up to him and attempt to help. Very quickÂly I recÂogÂnized he was signÂing at me. This image below is the extent of my knowledge.
That is all I have and I am a rusty. This genÂtleÂman didÂn’t have a voice he could use. I quickÂly went and grabbed a piece of paper and pen. He drew this wobÂbly lined stick with the word wood. From there I had 100 quesÂtions I couldÂn’t ask. What is it used for? How are you using it? What colÂor of wood? My usuÂal way of helpÂing couldÂn’t be. I led him around the store showÂing him anyÂthing that even remoteÂly resemÂbled his drawÂing. We found it, but it was made of bone not wood. It was the most difÂfiÂcult interÂacÂtion I’ve ever had. I felt so helpÂless. SomeÂthing I took so for grantÂed, he deals with this everyÂday. HonÂestÂly it probÂaÂbly didÂn’t even phase him, but wow did it open my eyes.
How many of the webÂsites I visÂit are accesÂsiÂble to all? I don’t know. What aspects of their designs make them more accesÂsiÂble and why? DigÂiÂtal accesÂsiÂbilÂiÂty is such a valuÂable thing to know and be aware of.
My very shalÂlow dive into the surÂface of web accesÂsiÂbilÂiÂty is by no means enough. I need to keep learnÂing and explorÂing how to be made this work for everyÂone. Kind of like me knowÂing the alphaÂbet in sign lanÂguage, and that still not being helpÂful. RecÂogÂnizÂing what you don’t know and findÂing out how to change that is one of the most imporÂtant things in every aspect of your life.